Friday, June 24, 2011

We still remember what He has done for us.

Chloe has been refusing to eat her rice cereal and baby food, 
but after break, Chloe restarted to eat baby food because it's mommy's cook.
Since Chloe is ready to eat meat, mommy can cook for her at home. 
Thankfully Chloe likes mommy's cook.
Thank God, and good job Chloe!

Whenever life goes not so well, try to remember the past.
In NICU, it's just not painful, has been beneficial to Chloe's family in His grace.
We have experienced God's healing power for Chloe.
hope see that again upon us.
after the second surgery
before the second surgery

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy first father's day daddy!

Chloe and baby cousin Axcel sit together.

Hey, noona please help me.

Uh , l just started sitting up by myself, l think that's not a good idea.

but let me try to do my best. just lean on me.

l will hold you. let me try.

hmm.....  Is it gonna be ok?

Huu~ it is lucky that his mom helps him.

Chloe met her cousins from Boston.